Do you know what a satisfaction survey is?

You may have seen, at some point in your life, the question “On a scale of 0 to 10, how much would you recommend Company X to a friend?“.

The satisfaction survey (or NPS, from the English, Net Promoter Score) applied in various companies is not carried out for nothing. It is a way of reflecting how satisfactory the services offered are and, based on the results, making some decisions, whether it’s improvements to continue offering a good service to your customers, or to signal what is good and should be maintained, with the ultimate goal of retaining the target audience. It’s no different here at Mercado Pago.

The Support team uses this method because, through it, it is possible to give feedback on results, assess the level of effectiveness of the service, among other points that will contribute to improve the support offered.

Now that you know what it means, you understand how extremely important your assessment is, right?😊

How can I evaluate?

When resolving your query with technical support you will receive a short survey that can be answered through our support channel. The evaluation is carried out between 1 and 5 stars, being:

1 to 2 = Dissatisfied: In this case, we ask you to fill in the reason for your evaluation, and you can also send more details, so that we can understand what we can improve.

3 = Regular: We suggest you tell us details by sending opportunity points.

4 to 5 = Satisfied: We suggest that you leave your comment describing your experience.

We count on your collaboration so that, at the end of a service, you answer a brief survey to evaluate the assistance provided by one of our analysts. Remember that your opinion helps us to improve the support we offer! 😉

See you later! 👋